The Division of Student Development and Success
Montgomery Student Center Main Line: (864)-596-9016
Associate Provost for Student Success: (864)-596-9134
Mission Statement: The Division of Student Development and Success strives to work collaboratively with all areas of the University to create a community that challenges, supports, and empowers students to develop an understanding of self and purpose. We aspire to nurture individuals who: live with integrity, embrace diversity, care for mind, body and spirit, show compassion, and engage in the global community. The Division of Student Development and Success prepares students for personal, academic and professional success.
Divisional Personnel
- Will Case | Associate Provost for Student Success | Montgomery 205A
- Rhonda Mingo | Dean of Students | Montgomery 206B
- Bethany Garr l Director of the Wellness Center l Andrews 112
- Daphnie Glenn | Director of First Generation Student Programs & Student Success Initiatives | Montgomery 202C
- Tori Good | Director of Career Development & Employer Relations | Montgomery 204B
- Cathy Gowan | Director of Internships and Career Services | Montgomery 204A
- Sarah Mintern | Mail Clerk & Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students | Montgomery 206
- Reed Chewning l Director of the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning | Mickel Library, 3rd Floor
- Adrian Stowe| Director of Residential Life - Operations and Student Conduct | Montgomery 202B
- Karen Medlin | Case Manager for Student Accessibility Services | Montgomery 206E
- Rev. Eliza Smith| Chaplain & Director of Community Engagement| Montgomery 201
- Tammy W. Stokes | Assistant Dean of Academic Advising & Converse II | Montgomery 206D
- Danielle Stone | Chief Inclusive Excellence Officer/Title IX Coordinator | Montgomery 202H
- Lexi Stoneburner | Director of New Student Experiences and Transitions | Montgomery 202G
- Sabrina Hartness | Support Specialist for Career Development and Nisbet Honors Program | Montgomery 204
- Dallas Witt | Director of Student Programming | Montgomery 206C
- Max Wright | Director of Residence Education and Student Recreation | Montgomery 206
- Tana Devine | Career Development Coordinator | Montgomery 204