
Title Description File type

Revised September 8, 2020 from original published date of August 14, 2020; Title IX Deputy Directors updated August 6, 2023.


Condensed version for handbooks, etc. 


2020-23 Title IX Decision Tree

Title Description File type

2023-2024 Converse University Title IX Taskforce


Keshia Jackson Gilliam, EdD 

Associate Vice President
Director of Human Resources & Interim Title IX Coordinator

Karen Medlin 

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Kristin Lacey, MBA 

Title IX Deputy Coordinator

Tori Good, EdD 

 Interim Title IX Deputy Coordinator


Randy Loggins, MS

Edward Griffin, PhD

Karen Rhodes, MBA


Although the College encourages victims or witnesses of prohibited conduct under the Converse College Sex & Gender Discrimination and Harassment Policy AND Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedures to speak with an Official With Authority (OWA) directly, an anonymous form is available. The College is legally obligated to investigate all disclosed alleged prohibited conduct, but is dedicated to providing a learning, living, and working environment that is free from sexual harassment and unlawful discrimination. Our goal is to assist those who have experienced any prohibited conduct to ensure they are supported and receive the resources necessary. Please be aware that anonymous reports limit Converse's ability to respond, and sharing your identity may be help us connect you to resources, like medical and counseling services, and provide you information about your options for further action. Limited specific information, restricts the college and could lead to the case being dismissed.


Anonymous Title IX Reporting Form

Wellness Center

  • Bethany Garr, MSEd, LPC | Director of Counseling & Wellness
    Jennifer Travis | Front Office Coordinator
    Dr. Sarah Whelchel, MD | Psychiatrist, PrismaHealth
    Michelle Mathis, MSN, APRN, FNP-C | Nurse Practitioner, Spartanburg Regional Corporate Health Services
    Caitlin Wilson, MSN, APRN, FNP-C | Nurse Practitioner, Spartanburg Regional Corporate Health Services

  • College Chaplain
    Reverend Eliza Smith
    Location: Montgomery 201


  • National Sexual Assault Online Hotline: Chat online with a trained staff member who can connect you with resources, information, and support.
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: Call 800.656.HOPE (4673) to be connected to a local sexual assault support provider.
  • Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 741741 to text with a trained crisis counselor who can help with sexual assault or any other emotional or mental health crises you may experience.
  • Love is Respect hotline: If a sexual assault happened in a dating relationship, Love is Respect can provide help and support. Call: 1.866.331.9474 | TTY: 1.866.331.8453 | Text: loveis to 22522
  • The life line is 1-800-273-8255. You can call or visit the web page if you are having suicidal thoughts. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources.
  • SAFE Homes/Rape Crisis: Supports victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Spartanburg and surrounding counties with crisis response, emergency shelter, order of protection, prevention programs and therapy programs. Call: the 24-7 hotline @ 1.864.583.9803 or 1.800.273.5066 for immediate assistance.
  • Spartanburg Victim Advocate office: Victim Advocate are professionals trained to support victims of crime. Advocates offer victims information, emotional support, and help finding resources and filling out paperwork. Contact the Spartanburg Victim Advocate office  to learn more ways that the organization can help you.
  • Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

Sexual Assault Resources


Vector Training

As part of the College’s continuous commitment to sexual assault and misconduct prevention, Converse requires you to complete the following assigned training (Bridges: Taking Action, Bridges: Building a Supportive Community, and Harassment Prevention) via the Vector platform on an annual basis. This online course will empower you to be a critical piece to our campus enforcement against sexual misconduct, as well as help you understand the role you play for fellow faculty, staff, and students. Employees are assigned the training during orientation and again on an annual basis.

THIS TRAINING IS FOR FACULTY AND STAFF ONLY. Students will receive a link for Sexual Assault Prevention (SAP).