1) Application must be submitted by the deadline date to be considered for the course.
2) Confirmation of Priority form must be received (email to GT@converse.edu) by the deadline date to be considered for the course. The form must be signed by your principal of district GT coordinator. If you submitted the Confirmation of Priority Form with your EDU 591 application, a second priority form is not required. Endorsement course: Confirmation of Priority Form
Spring Term Dates: 4/14/25 - 6/15/25 (7 sections) Application deadline: 2/14/25
Summer Term Dates: 4/28/25 - 6/29/25 (3 sections) Application deadline: 2/28/25
3) Course Prerequisite: (1) Nature and Needs of the Gifted
591 and 592 can be taken simultaneously during the summer session.
Submit only one application.